Bible Fellowship Church
On December 17, 1963 the AME Church building at DeWitt and Harrison streets in Paulding was purchased. After extensive remodeling, the first service was held on Easter Sunday, 1964. The church soon outgrew these facilities, and on July 2, 1967 ground was broken for the present church building.
The first service was held in the new building on December 24, 1967, and the church has been meeting in this building ever since.

Our Purpose and Mission
Bible Fellowship Church of Paulding, Ohio, was incorporated in the state of Ohio as a non-profit organization for the purpose of making God’s Word known to as many as possible, to edify and encourage fellow believers to have an active part in the local ministry, and to be effective witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ in an ever outreaching ministry.
Bible Fellowship Church
1040 West Wayne Street
Paulding, OH 45879